Did you see Tali and Aaron's response to the G:AWL interview with Dr. Az Hakeem?


It was recommended by Prof. J. Michael Bailey.

I think it would be good if G:AWL could invite Prof. J. Michael Bailey back onto G:AWL, given so much has been said since his last interview.

I think there is disagreement that is not being heard when it comes to the cause of gender dysphoria amongst adolescent boys. Stella, Jo Burgo and Genspect are saying there are a new type of "ROGD boy", whereas I think it would be accurate to say that Prof. J. M. B. sees this as autogynephilia, and that there is a lack of understanding what autogynephilia is, e.g. in his response to Burgo:

"He doesn't understand autogynephilia. And although he may be a good therapist, psychoanalysis is a terrible scientific tool for understanding anything."


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Sorry to hijack your Substack. However since I was an "ROGD boy", I thought I would share some insight.

In your conversation with Phil, I think you questioned whether Phil's experience of wanting to be a woman in female company was similar to some universal experience, which everyone might feel.

But what Phil feels, autogynephilia, isn't a social construct, it's an odd paraphilia, which can't be understood in terms of something else.

Similarly, I don't really understand what it is like to have somebody else's sexuality e.g. I don't know why gay men find other men attractive.

I have written another article that attempts to illustrate autogynephilia here: https://transpolicy.substack.com/p/how-to-recognise-autogynephilia

Autogynephilia is an odd paraphilia, which occurs with certain other paraphilia. Not a social construct that can be understood in terms of some social theory like "shame" or "failing to live up to stereotypes". Prof. J. Michael Bailey for this reason is very correct in saying "AGP is baffling to most people. I have studied it for 25 years and don't really know how AGPs feel."

I continue to talk about autogynephilia, as really this whole "gender issue" should be very, very small. If you don't have autogynephilia, you should need to worry about this issue: the discussions about "gender identity" are causing the issue. The problem is, is that everyone keeps on covering up autogynephilia:


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