The problem I have with all discussions of gender identity is that I don’t know the definition of “identity.” Incidentally, I have the same issue with the concept of racial identity.

Everyone uses this word as though we all know what it means, but I never see it defined. As much as I appreciated Kathleen Stock’s book, “Material Girls, for me it shed no light on what seems to be a fundamental question.

As for myself, I have no idea what my “identity” is.

You are a working psychotherapist. So, presumably, this is a concept pertinent to your work. Perhaps we could begin by you saying what you mean by “identity.”

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Identity is a fact of existence. I am male, irrespective of what I say or think, it is a fact of my existence. It is true at all times for all versions of myself. It is neither chosen nor “alienable” - I cannot get rid of it by choice or by action of others.

Gender is a meaningless term when applied to humans, like case or mood or tense. Combining that with the fact that you cannot choose an identity, it’s less than meaningful.

I can no more choose to identify as “future perfect” as I could remove the fact of my being male from my existence.

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